Institution - Logo, Big/Small Budget

Some questions on the film industry -

  •  What is the main film going audience? 
  •  How do cinemas make most of their money? 
  •  How do you get a film into the cinema?
  • What does a distributor do? 

Have a look at some big media companies and smaller companies and their logos and design your own. You will
then bring these to your film groups and select the best one. - most profitable movies of all time

Low budget V high budget institution comparison and analysis to be completed. Place onto a powerpoint and
upload onto the blog. Choose a big budget blockbuster and compare to a low budget film eg The Hobbitt vs In Fear. Do some research:

1)What are the main institutions used for each of the films? (in terms of production and distribution?) Find their logo and add it on.

2)How much money was used to produce each film? (The budget)

3)How much money was made from each of the films?

4)How well known are the production companies for both the high-budget and low-budget film?

5)List the differences between the high-budget film and the low-budget film in terms of the institutions.

6)List any similarities that exist between the high-budget film and the low-budget film in terms of the institutions.

7)What other films has the production company made? Were these as successful? Why/why not?

8)What genre of films does the company usually produce? Is this important when considering who could produce your film? Why?

9)What audiences do each of the institutions aim to appeal to? Is this reflected through their film choice, or does this vary?

10)Which institution do you feel outperforms the other and could claim to be more successful, considering your research? Explain your reasons.