Student Film openings and construction mark scheme

Find three student productions of your choice and upload onto blog (post title student film openings) - one to present to the class that you found interesting and two others to mark using the criteria below. What went well, Even better if and give them a grade. It would be fab if you emailed any students' work with queries on their productions or their marks and got a reply. Upload the film you liked and why.

Youtube - Latymer film openings, Hurtwood House film openings, G321, AS Film openings

Level 1 0–23 marks The work for the main task is possibly incomplete. There is minimal evidence in the work of the creative use of any relevant technical skills such as:
• Producing material appropriate for the target audience and task;
• using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions;
• using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;
• shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot distance and close attention to mise-en-scene;
• using editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects.

Level 2 24–35 marks There is evidence of a basic level of ability in the creative use of some of the following technical skills:
• Producing material appropriate for the target audience and task;
• using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions;
• using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;
• shooting material appropriate to the task set;, including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot distance and close attention to mise-en-scene;
• using editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects.

Level 3 36–47 marks There is evidence of proficiency in the creative use of many of the following technical skills:
• Producing material appropriate for the target audience and task;
• using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions;
• using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;
• shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot distance and close attention to mise-en-scene;
• using editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects.

Level 4 48–60 marksThere is evidence of excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:
• material appropriate for the target audience and task;
• using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions;
• using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;
• shooting material appropriate to the task set;including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot distance and close attention to mise-en-scene;
• using editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects.

Titles Task

An area students often mess up this titles task will help you learn how film institutions help identify both the film and the production company involved, and to act as a signal to viewers that the film had started.

Here are some links for initial research.

    Top 10 Movie Opening Credits - YouTube is an amazing website dedicated to titles.

Watch this and be inspired by some of the best title designs of all time:

Be inspired. Then listen to Richard Morrison's interview and advice and write three points he makes which may be relevant to your own production.

Choose one title sequences from films in
Screengrab each title in order, write down the jobs titles and seconds from the start so that you can and the length of each title. Write a summary discussing the various titles, fonts, colours, sound, effects and any meaning that may link them to the genre or narrative. Titles are numbered T1, T2 etc


31st October Prelim task and evaluation
21st November All planning and research for film opening uploaded
28th November Filming for opening completed
5th December First draft film opening
week commencing 12th December Feedback, pick ups, tweak edit,
16th December Final Draft deadline
19th December Missing/Improving blog posts
16th January Evaluations
23rd January Final blog sign off 

Pete Fraser talk

MediaMeister October 2016 Charlotte Revell

Congratulations to our first year 12 mediameister of 2016 for all her hard work and effort.

Prelim Task and Evaluation

Upload your planning, prelim task and answer the following questions. All under the label prelim task.

Prelim Evaluation questions

1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?
2) How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use?
3) What theorists do you think you could apply to your task?
4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well and with hindsight what would you improve/do differently?
6) What did others say about your production?
7) What have you learnt from completing this task?
8) Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your final film opening?


In your groups over the next two weeks you will need to complete your preliminary task this will include:

  • A brief production diary of the process of who did what and screen shots of group and locations
  • Genre conventions to be included
  • Task idea, title and script, any music?
  • Storyboard
  • Shooting schedule 
When these are approved by your teacher you will then sign out a camera. When your final draft is complete we will peer assess and the evaluation will be uploaded also.

Individually, your planning, prelim task and presentation are all to be uploaded onto an emaze. Sign up to and start practising!

The minimum amount of shots you must include are:
  • match on action
  • shot/reverse shot 
  • 180 degree rule
  • an establishing shot
  • at least two close ups of the characters
  • a tracking shot 
  • high angle shot


Past examples:

Juno film opening task and evaluation

Well done on your dancing animals and James Bond tasks, make sure you've uploaded them onto the blog. Hopefully you will be a little more familiar with Premiere. Now it's time to edit your own filmed footage.

In this task you will familiarise yourself with the cameras, practise your filming and editing techniques and stretch your premiere skills.

In your groups you will plan who will be Juno, the props you need, the locations and you will create a storyboard - number each shot, draw a sketch of shot, write down times for the length of shot, the type of shot and transition. For eg: Three seconds - low angle, close up, tilt up shot of face  - straight cut.

Take a picture of your storyboard and upload onto your blog, youtube your Juno sequence and answer the evaluation questions:
  • You are editing your own footage - how did the filming go? 
  • Was your storyboard accurate?
  • What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?
  • Did you get all the footage you needed?
  • What technical skills either camera or premiere did you learn? How does it compare to the original?
  • What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production

One day for planning, one for filming, one for editing and finally the evaluation of the task. Share the responsibilities equally.
The soundtrack is here U:\SHARED\Media and you will only need to copy up to the bit where she walks in front of the shops minute 1.04